Monday, November 21, 2011

Golden - Mt. Galbraith Park

Mt. Galbraith Park is an awesome hiking spot just outside of Golden city limits. I would recommend going when you want to get your heart pumping and see some nice views, rather than exhausting yourself with a super steep and intense climb. The area is moderately open and exposed to the sun, so it is perfect for a colder day when you want to get some rays. All trails are for hikers only, so you don't have to worry about being run over by mountain bikers- hooray!
I parked at the main trailhead off of Golden Gate Canyon Road, which has a nice sized parking lot and a bathroom. I hiked up the Cedar Gulch trail, stopping at a couple nice overlooks of Golden and Boulder along the way. It is a pretty popular hike, but it's not overwhelmingly crowded (i.e. Chautauqua). I would like to continue on the Mount Galabrath loop next time I'm in the area- this area seems a little steeper, but you get better views of the mountains to the west. The Cedar Gulch trail is 3 miles round trip and took about 2 hours with a few breaks. 

Directions: Take US 58 to Golden, take a right on US 93, go a few miles down the road, and take a left on Golden Gate Canyon Road. Follow the road about 2 miles until you see the parking lot on the left. The park is well marked. 

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