Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Balsam Grove: Courthouse Falls

Length: 1/2 mile
Time: 10 minutes one way
Difficulty: easy
Trail Condition: Fine

This is a little hike that leads to an epic swimming hole near Balsam Grove. It's been a long time since I've checked it out, but I'll write down what I remember.

Take Rosman Highway out of Brevard until you see Hwy 215 on the right, which goes to Balsam Grove (Headwaters Outfitters will be right there on the corner). Take this road (it's super windy) about 10 miles, passing through the "town" (giggle) of Balsam Grove (if I remember correctly, there's one gas station). Turn right onto Courthouse Creek Road, which is a pretty bumpy gravel road that you'll take for about 3 miles- when the road forks, bare left. After you cross the bridge over Courthouse Creek, park and look for the trail. It's about half a mile to courthouse falls. This is a perfect swimming spot on a really hot summer day. If you want a more intense trail, Upper Courthouse Falls is farther upstream, although the trail is pretty overgrown. 

WNC Parkway: 420 Hike/Skinny Dip Falls

420 Hike and Skinny Dip Falls

Lee "Crazyface" Sherman jumps into Skinny Dip Falls while Andrew looks on.
Photo credit to Mr. Chris Beeson.

Length: 3 miles
Time: 2-3 hours, depending on your rock hopping ability
Difficulty: Very Hard; mostly uphill
Trail Condition: Wet, slippery, mostly in water

This is my favorite hike in North Carolina, hands down. The 420 hike isn't an official trail, so you can rest assured that you won't run into any fellow hikers until the trail ends in Graveyard Fields. It requires a lot of rock hopping and you're in the water for the vast majority of the time, so it's important to A. not go when it's cold and/or after a big rain storm (the water level will be too high to rock jump) B. wear shoes with a good grip that you don't mind getting wet and C. wear your bathing suit, because you'll most likely want to swim. Don't bring your dogs unless they have a high energy level and are good climbers (we had to help Rogue out a couple of times in some spots when she was a puppy). Also, very important- you're going to need 2 cars to do the hike, unless you want to hitch hike your way back to wear you parked.

Both cars should meet at the Graveyard Fields parking lot- park one of the cars here. The other car should drive back to mile marker 417 (just before you get to the Graveyard Fields parking lot), pull into the small overlook and park. Cross the road and find the trail- it's pretty easy to spot. You'll go through the forest for a few minutes and eventually come to some steep stairs that lead to Skinny Dip Falls. This is a great place to go for a pre-hike swim, and a pretty popular swimming hole. Continue the hike by bearing left and rock hopping up the river. You'll do this for 30-60 minutes, depending on your pace. Eventually you will come to a big waterfall that you probably shouldn't try to climb (it can be done, but it's dangerous). Go to the far left and climb your way up the hill, grabbing onto rhododendrons to pull your way up. The climb will take you to a beautiful, open swimming hole with plenty of open, flat rock to lay in the sun. Don't get too close to the edge of the waterfall unless you want to end up on the news.

After you're done swimming, you have two choices- you can walk up the stream until you find the trail, or you can go to the left side of the stream and bushwhack your way upstream until you find the trial. This trail will lead you past great camping spots and eventually into Graveyard Fields. Eventually you will come to wooden stairs, followed by a paved path up to the main parking lot. Hop in car one and drive back to mile marker 117 for car two. Hooray, you've completed my favorite hike! Expect to be exhausted.

WNC Parkway: Graveyard Fields

No idea who took this picture. Pretty though, right? 
Length: 3 miles
Time: 2 hours
Difficulty: Moderate
Trail Condition: A Ok

Man oh man, I love me some Graveyard Fields. This place is absolutely gorgeous, although it can get pretty touristy during the summer. There is a gigantic parking lot that is hard to miss from the road, right around mile marker 420, where you can park. There is a main loop that is about 3 miles long which takes you to a nice waterfall. Directions taken from localhikes.com:

Take the trail at the lower end of the parking area. This descends down a paved path for most of it's length but has some very rough spots near the river. Cross bridge, turn right along the trail until you come to the first trail intersection to the right, descend a long flight of steps to viewing platform for first waterfall. Return by same route, do not re-cross river but continue straight ahead, the upper falls is about 1 MI. ahead. On the return from the upper falls about 3/4 MI. turn right off the trail to cross the river on a wooden bridge. Continue on this trail to the exit at the upper end of the parking area.

There's a stream that runs by the trail where you can swim, although the water is freakishly cold and it isn't very deep in spots. Going to re-do this hike when I'm in WNC for the summer.